Tuesday, December 31, 2013

By the time anyone (but me) reads this it will be 2014, Sooooo

I am in Hawaii right now and it is NEYEARS EVE!!!!!!!
My parents and sister are in bed right now and it is 9:07 at this very moment(my very moment, not yours) and I am sitting around, waiting for midnight. The resort I'm at is Hilton and my tower name is Lagoon Tower. My room is near the pool, but you have to walk around a food shack to get there and at that point I can see the beach and pretty much all of the pool. The water is quite cold but after going down the water slide a few times you get used to it. The resort is so big there is a monorail running across it. When I went to the main lobby for some video cards there were some parrots squawking "Hi! Hello! Hi! Hi! Hello! Hi!".

That is all for now, but i will try to post whenever something cool happens but when I'm not posting try to get parrots to say strange things at zoos and other parrot including events.

------------------=============The time this post was finished was 9:37 PM=========----------------

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