Tuesday, December 31, 2013

By the time anyone (but me) reads this it will be 2014, Sooooo

I am in Hawaii right now and it is NEYEARS EVE!!!!!!!
My parents and sister are in bed right now and it is 9:07 at this very moment(my very moment, not yours) and I am sitting around, waiting for midnight. The resort I'm at is Hilton and my tower name is Lagoon Tower. My room is near the pool, but you have to walk around a food shack to get there and at that point I can see the beach and pretty much all of the pool. The water is quite cold but after going down the water slide a few times you get used to it. The resort is so big there is a monorail running across it. When I went to the main lobby for some video cards there were some parrots squawking "Hi! Hello! Hi! Hi! Hello! Hi!".

That is all for now, but i will try to post whenever something cool happens but when I'm not posting try to get parrots to say strange things at zoos and other parrot including events.

------------------=============The time this post was finished was 9:37 PM=========----------------

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone, I'm back and I wanted to say merry Christmas. I haven't been able to post for awhile because of (mainly) school, but I will try to fill you in as much as I can. One of the biggest things that has happened is my birthday (I might have already told you, but I'm 12 now). The next thing is that I cut my hair. It used to be very long and now it's much shorter. The next thing is  that I got a rather large set of bills from my grandma. This brings me to today (Christmas Eve) and to where I am right now, which is in the car driving away from Squaw at 4:44 writing this on my dad's iPhone 5s at 60 mph. 3 hours ago I was strapping on my boots, 2 hours ago I was tearing down the only run open at the moment, and one hour ago I was chomping down on a preheated creep. Fast forwarding to tomorrow I will be ripping wrapping paper apart with Ezra on Christmas Day. This is all for now, but I will try to post more often. If I get a GoPro then I can show you what I do on the slops. Bye! For now...,

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My youtube Channel!

Hello again everyone! Today I uploaded my second video of a let's play series to youtube. I want lots of people to like, favorite and subscribe, so click the link below \/

Also, check out Paris: for Kids by Kids. It has reviews of places I've been in Paris. Along with a few other people I add my rating and review to the blog.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

London, Paris, Toulouse and home

Hello again. It's me Luka I'm back in America, and I woke up at 4:17 a.m! What I did in Toulouse was fairly simple.

  1. Complain about the heat
  2. Go on a extremely boring ride in a boat through a canal
  3. Do one or two boring touristy things with my dad's brother and his wife
  4. Complain about the heat
  5. Sleep
  6. Eat
Flying back was pretty nice; we flew from Toulouse to London, Heathrow airport. And from there we flew to the states. I watched Skyfall and G.I Joe: Retaliation. I would have had watched Die Hard: 5, but I got bored by then. When we landed I felt that it should be pitch black outside, but it was bright out. I slept on Bart for the longest part of the ride. Then at home, I waited till 7, and then fell asleep. And then woke up at 4:17 a.m thinking it should be light outside, but it wasn't....

The surprise I told you about in the first post is that we are getting kittens! I will post pictures right when we get them (which will be in a while : / )

Monday, July 22, 2013

London, Paris and Toulouse

Hello again for episode 3 of my 4-7 episodes! I am in Toulouse right now, but I will talk about my Paris experience. So I'm going to skip the train ride from London, but I will start at the point when we walked into our apartment. We took a small, yet good elevator up to the second floor. The apartment had beds for everyone, a good kitchen, a good living room, and because of the big fountain right outside our apartment we got to see dancers and singers do their things right outside our balcony. I went to bed at 2 that night. When I woke up I got a nutella crepe from a nearby stand. We got a 2 day bus pass, and just listened to the audio tour which was sometimes a 'bit' off, first full day in Paris: Done
The next day we used the bus all the time. We used it to go to lunch, and then a french naval museum. 1-2 days later my families waiting in line for the Eiffel Tower. We got there early, so we didn't have to wait long. When we got back down the line was about as long as the Eiffel Tower is tall. (exaggeration x10) It was only a sixth of it. We also saw the Arc De Triomphe. Don't try to climb up, you will probably fail... The view was still good, and where the more modern american buildings start is what I call New Paris*. The last days were with Ezra, so It's going on Luka Land and Ezra World. Hopefully.


*same for London/New London

Friday, July 19, 2013

London. Part 2: The Wrath of the Tour Guides.

The next day I woke up to the kittens milking. I got the room with the cats and it was great. I had just eaten breakfast and had flopped on my bed when my mom came in telling me to get ready to go.

I didn't know where we were going, but then I found out when we met the tour guide. We walked through the city and to Buckingham Palace, and at 12 we had a light fast lunch, and continued. To make it clear I hate tours, and walking, so this was torture method 2B. We ended the tour at about 5. It was about 8 hours and 4 miles. It was basically a forced march.

Monday, July 15, 2013

London, Paris, arcs and towers Part 1 The Start

Bonjour à nouveau! C'est moi! Luka!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Il a été très occupé pour moi ici po .. Paris?
For those people who don't speak french (or didn't use google translate), I just said I'm busy here in Paris. And it's true! I hope you wouldn't mine wiping up google translate to translate, cause you'll need to! I also have some great news that i will tell you soon...

First: London
Second: Paris (Current Location)
Third: Is a surprise!

it started out as and plane flight for my family would start. going to the airport.
We used Bart and after 1 loooooong hour we finally pulled into SFO Airport.
We used small suitcases and we had already printed our boarding passes, so we didn't need to check in.
We went to gate A11 for our 6:30 and waited

1 or so hours later...

our flight is delayed, our terminal sucks and our flight is moved to gate A8

3 hours later...(10:30):

 I'm on a Boeing 747 in the middle isle and I'm flying with Virgin Atlantic

Then the flight lands and I'm in London! We grab a cab to our friend's house and meet their kittens!
We eat dinner, use their trampoline and go to bed and all is good. Till the very next day......

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

If you read the last post and signed the petition read this

The number of signatures needed is now 200, but we have 104 and we are moving up nicely

sign it if you haven't.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Greetings from the house

Hello to you all, it's me, LUKA THE MAGNIFICENT. It's been busy for me now that Summer Vacation!!!!!! is on (Summer Break for most adults born before 2000).

First: The new Simcity News.

The News:

Okay fist off, if you have no idea or don't care about Simcity then don't read this post. If you want to continue, and are a mac user that cares about Simcity's mac release date, then continue reading. So I'm guessing that most of you were pissed when they moved the release date from march fifth to June eleventh. If you were than you can enjoy writing extremely angry comments, while pulling you hair out, while shrieking swear words at the computer in reaction to this post. (I did all of these and it helps, trust me) read this article.

Oh, and so you can see which comments and replies were mine, my username is "ThoseAreMyPies"


And if you want to be a hero to the mac gaming community just click the link provided below
and fill in the boxes and you will count as 1 person who joined the petition. all of the info you need is on the page. Also on a closing note, if you have friend who would want to sign this then ask them! we need 5 more people.



Sunday, May 26, 2013

Torture method #1. The spring concert.

Hello again everyone and welcome to another torture method story. Last time I put 7a (The school extravaganza) and when the spring concert came I knew that this was the worst thing of all. First I will tell you about the winter concert. My school has two concerts every year, the winter, and the spring. The winter concert isn't that bad (except for the fact that I hate singing) everyone goes to the upper school (Our school has two building's. one elementary, one middle) and do it for the parents. The spring concert is the real problem. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE comes to the first congenital church of Oakland and all the grades preform at least one act. Also junior, intermediate, and advanced bands have to play. Also advanced orchestra play. Some classes have kids who play Chello or Violen. This year the concert was about two hours. Last year it was about three. That wraps up todays torture method story.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Science Fair

Hi, It's me LUKA! I have been up to a lot (enough for a whole separate post)
including a science fair. I Built a hovercraft and I will spare you the details of how I built it. I typed up my poster board and will be uploading it soon. When I got to my school I got there just in time for it to start. I rolled the hovercraft out and placed it outside the music room (everyone else had there projects there). and when the first leaf blower started a crowd gathered and the last person in line (after we moved it and stopped using the 3rd leaf blower(it had blown a fuse)) tried it when it was getting dark. Then most of my classmates wanted turns. There was also a book swap in our library. But when I got there there were only cheesy/kiddie books.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ski time (sorry I haven't updated recently)

Hi! It me again, LUKA. sorry I haven't been on recently, but it's school time, swim lessons time, and ski time. If you are wondering why I decided to wright right now is because: I have no homework, I'm bored, and I wanted to blog anyways. I'll skip the first night (right when I got there I fell asleep). The next mourning I woke up and went into the living room, and found Ezra, Katie, and Nadia on the couch playing on some sort of device. I got my macbook air(the computer I'm using to type this right now) and started to play World of Tanks, one of mans best computer games ever created, but I only got to play one battle before we had to go ski. At Tahoe Donner we had the place almost to ourselves. There were no lines for the lifts.
Everything seemed fine, the lift was fine, the ski's were fine, but at one point we saw that Dart, one of our favorite runs had been converted into a medium terrain park. when we got off we decided on race course. I told Ezra "don't cut back" because on our last trip there he told me to cut back at one point and I did. I also fell of of what looked like a nice smooth, slight drop. It was actually a powder field and the drop into the powder tipped me over. So this time we didin't cut back. Race Course was fine but there was one problem, slush. On our next run we went down another side of Dart. The top was fine, except for the moguls, but the lower half was a slush field. The next day we went to squaw instead. the snow was much better there and the lift lines were almost none existant. when we got to the top of the gondola we decided to go up emigrant. on the way up Ezra saw a path that led to Blue Express and Shirley Lake. the first time we followed the easiest way markers at the top. and the experts only for the run that was almost straight down wasn't necessary since it was obvious. the first time we just did the easiest way down, the next time we took the passage Ezra saw. When we got there Ezra looked down Shirley Lake, and chickened out. The next time down we went on it. It wasn't as bad as Ezra had anticipated, and I loved it. The following days we went to squaw and did what we liked to do, Shirley Lake.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

School Extravaganza (torture method 7B)

HI its' me again LUKA today I'm going to tell you about the BPC Extravaganza I went to a few hours ago. Or as I call it torture method 7B.  I was at a friend of mine's house for the night. So in the mourning I had to go. When I got there I got a seat and then katie handed me the iPad, I assumed that it was for me to play on. But right when I started playing she came back and said I wasn't allowed to play, I asked her "Then why did you give it to me?" then she said "I just wanted you to hold it". Then she took the iPad from me and then sat down got a bunch of people gathered around her and started playing Temple Run 2. I said "Hypocrite" and I got my dad to take the iPad from her. Then the Extravaganza started and I was all a blur. I would play Temple Run on my iPod when a song (or dance) was over and my dad was tell ing jokes and announcing the next act. Finally I crawled over to him, who was sitting on the edge of the stage. I held up my iPod and showed him the note, GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,  and he gave me his iPhone and told me to play on it outside and I did. soon after the extravaganza was over and it was time for food.......

(any questions can be commented,

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Super Bowl is coming up

Hi! it's me LUKA as you should know the world famous NFL Super Bowl is coming up and it's going to be a tough game. It's the the Baltimore Ravens v.s San Francisco 49er's. I think the 49er's are going to win. I'm putting up a poll so you can vote for your team.